3、三菱 M700VM70V系列 三菱-M700VM70V系列 便攜式說明書 -英
P920 No spec: 3D coord conv
Details There is no specification for 3-dimensional coordinate conversion.
Remedy - Check the specifications.
P921 Illegal G code at 3D coord
Details The
5、三菱 M700VS系列 三菱-M700VS系列 設定說明書
1. Items related to product and manual
If the descriptions relating to the "restrictions" and "allowable conditions" conflict between this manual
and the machine tool builder's instruction m
6、三菱 M700VW系列 三菱-M700VW系列 連接說明書
The numerical control unit is configured of the control unit, display unit, operation board, servo drive
unit, spindle drive unit, power supply unit + driver, servomotor, spindle motor, etc.
7、三菱 M700V系列 三菱-M700V系列 規格說明書
MELDAS and MELSEC are registered trademarks of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.
Microsoft®and Windows®are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the Uni
8、三菱 M700V系列 三菱-M700V系列 規格說明書-2
A number of axes that are within the maximum number of axes, and that does not exceed the
maximum number given for the NC axis, spindle and PLC axis can be used.
Connection specifications of
9、三菱 M700系列 三菱-M700系列 PLC編程說明書
·GX Developer Version 8(型號SW8D5C-GPPW)
是原名為Windows 版GPP功能軟件包”(通稱GPPW)的新名稱。
·GX Developer Version 2(型號SW2D5C-CNVW)是原名稱“Windows版數據轉換軟件包”(通稱CNYW)