DU ..........................................Operation panel (FR-DU07)
PU................................................Operation panel (FR-DU07) and parameter unit (FR-PU04/
Inverter ...................................Mitsubishi inverter FR-A701 series
FR-A701 .................................Mitsubishi inverter FR-A701 series
Pr. ...........................................Parameter Number
PU operation...........................Operation using the PU (FR-DU07/FR-PU04/FR-PU07).
External operation ..................Operation using the control circuit signals
Combined operation ...............Combined operation using the PU (FR-DU07/FR-PU04/
FR-PU07) and external operation.
Mitsubishi standard motor ......SF-JR
Mitsubishi constant-torque motor .SF-HRCA
Vector dedicated motor...........SF-V5RU
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